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  1. Ahmad, H., Rahul, T.M., Asija, N. K., 2025. Accelerators and hurdles, and their mediating effects on electric vehicle adoption. Transport Policy, 162, 20-30.

  2. Ahmad, Hafsoah, Rahul, T.M, 2024. Targeted information intervention among consumer clusters for electric vehicle penetration – A case study of Punjab, India. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 16, 101202.

  3. Aaditya,Bh., Rahul, T.M,2023. Analysis of trip frequency choice of commute trips in the context of COVID-19 in India: A hybrid choice modelling approach with generalized ordered logit kernel. IATSS Research, 47(4), 557-565.

  4. Nitheesh K., Bhavathrathan, B.K., Manoj, M., Rahul, T.M., 2023. A risk minimization based approach for planning evacuation trip distribution. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 97,104051 (Elsevier). 

  5. Aaditya, Bh., Rahul, T.M,2023.Long-term impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on travel behaviour. Travel Behaviour and Society 30, 262-270 (Elsevier).

  6. Aaditya, Bh., Rahul, T.M,2021. Psychological impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the mode choice behaviour: A hybrid choice modelling approach. Transport Policy 108, 47-58  (Elsevier). 

  7.  Aaditya,Bh.,Rahul,T.M, 2021.A comprehensive analysis of the trip frequency behavior in COVID scenario. Transportation Letters 13, 395-403 (Taylor & Francis)                                  

  8.  Rahul, T.M., Manoj, M., Tahlyan, D., Verma, A., 2021.The influence of activities and socio economic/ demographic factors on the acceptable distance in an Indian scenario, Transportation in Developing Economies 7(3) (Taylor & Francis).

  9.  Rahul, T.M, Manoj., M.,2020. Categorization of pedestrian level of service perceptions and accounting its response heterogeneity and latent correlation on travel decisions. Transportation Research Part A 142, 40–55 (Elsevier). 

  10. Verma, A., Verma, M., Rahul, T.M., Khurana, S., Rai, A., 2019. Measuring accessibility of various facilities by walking in world’s largest mass religious gathering – Kumbh Mela. Sustainable Cities and Society (45), 79-86 (Elsevier).

  11. Verma, M., Rahul, T.M., Vinayak, P., Verma, A., 2018. Influence of childhood and adulthood attitudinal perceptions on bicycle usage in the Bangalore city.  Journal of Transport Geography (72), 94-105 (Elsevier). 

  12.      Rahul, T.M., Verma, A., 2018. Sustainability analysis of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure – A case study for Bangalore. Case studies on Transport Policy 6(4), 483 - 493 (Elsevier).

  13. Verma, A., Verma, M., Rahul, T.M., Khurana, S., Rai, A., 2018. Acceptable trip distance for walking in mass religious gatherings—A case study of world’s largest human gathering Kumbh Mela in Ujjain, India. Sustainable Cities and Society (41), 505-512 (Elsevier)

  14.      Rahul, T.M., Verma, A., 2017. The influence of stratification by motor-vehicle ownership on the impact of built environment factors in Indian cities. Journal of Transport Geography (58), 40-51 (Elsevier).  

  15. Verma, M., Rahul,T.M., Reddy,P.V., Verma, A., 2016. The factors influencing bicycling in the Bangalore city. Transportation Research Part A (89), 29–40 (Elsevier).   

  16. Verma, A., Rahul, T. M., Dixit, M., 2015. Sustainability impact assessment of transportation policies – A case study for Bangalore city. Case Studies on Transport Policy (3), 321-330 (Elsevier).

  17. Rahul, T.M., Verma, A., 2014. A study of acceptable trip distance using walking and cycling in Bangalore. Journal of Transport Geography (38). 106-113 (Elsevier).  

  18. Rahul, T. M., Verma, A., 2013. Economic impact of non motorized transportation in Indian cities. Research in Transportation Economics (38), 22 - 34 (Elsevier). 

Book Chapters

  1. Aaditya,Bh., Rahul, T.M., Asija, Navdeep, 2023. Using urban topology to identify critical links of the road network: a Centrality based approach. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 551. Springer, Singapore.  DOI:

  2. Rahul, T.M., Verma, A. (2023). Socio-Demographic Variations in Mode Choice Preferences of Peri-Urban and Urban Areas—A Case Study of Bangalore. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 272. Springer, Singapore. DOI:

  3. Soorya, V.B., Rahul, T.M., Arkatkar, S.S., 2020. Simulation of Classified Lane-Wise Vehicle Count at Toll Plazas Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Probability-Based Discrete Random Number Generation. Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering. DOI:

  4. Manoj, M., Rahul, T.M., Verma, A., Yadav, S., 2020. Analysis of Travel Time Expenditure of School-Going Children.  Transportation Research. DOI:


  1. Nikhil, Aaditya, Bh., Rahul, T.M., 2024. Extending the scope of discrete choice frameworks with latent variables to manage missing data. International conference on Choice Modelling 2024, Chile (Accepted for presentation)

  2. Ahmad,Hafsoah, Rahul, T.M.,2023. Socio-demographic determinants of electric vehicle purchase intention in
    emerging markets: evidence from urban Punjab, India. 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India, Surat.

  3. Aaditya,Bh., Rahul, T.M., Asija, Navdeep, 2023. Using urban topology to identify critical links of the road network: a Centrality based approach,16th Urban Mobility India Conference cum Exhibition 2023, Delhi,India

  4. Aaditya,Bh., Rahul, T.M., 2022. Systematic analysis of measurement errors in discrete choice models - A hybrid choice modelling approach, International conference on Choice Modelling 2022,Reykjavik , Iceland.

  5. Rahul, T. M., Megha, M., Meenakshi, S., Madhavendra, K., Verma, A., 2020. Gender Differences in Work Trip Generation: Evidences from Bangalore. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 48, 2800-2810..DOI:

  6. Avanoor, G., Rahul,T.M., 2017. Traffic Management on Two – Lane Rural Highways.   ASCE India Conference. DOI:

  7. Rahul, T.M., Verma, A., 2015. Analysis of Pedestrian Travel Behavior in Bangalore City and its Environmental Impact. 16th conference of CODATU, February 2nd- 5th, Istanbul, Turkey.  

  8. Rahul, T., M., Verma, A., 2013. Study of impact of various influencing factors on NMT mode choice. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (104), 1112-1119.  DOI:

  9. Rahul, T., M., Verma, A., 2012. Pedestrian travel behavior in Indian cities of various types. In the proceedings of 13th WCTR, July 15th – 17th, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  

  10. Verma, M., Rahul, T.M., Reddy, P.V., Verma, A., 2015. Attitude of people towards bicycling in the Bangalore city. International Conference on Advances in Highway Engineering and Transportation Systems at Colombo, Sri Lanka, 10th - 12th August 2015. 

  11. Rahul, T., M., Verma, A., 2013. Mode choice behavior of travelers in Bangalore city. In the proceedings of 6th Annul Students Symposium, September 26th-27th, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

  12. Rahul, T., M., Verma, A., 2011. Planning for Non- motorized Transport in India - A Research Review. In the proceedings of 4th Annul Students Symposium, August 24th-25th, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.  

  13. Rahul, T., M., Mallikarjuna, C., 2010. Macroscopic models for heterogeneous traffic – A review. CiSTUP@CiSTUP conference, October 18th-20th, 2010, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. 

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